2024 Contacts for Brookvale FC (to avoid spam bots we have removed the @ symbol from email addresses. Pls replace “[space]at[space] ” with “@” when emailing)

Position Name Contact
President Sam Mesite s.mesitebfc at gmail.com
    Phone: 0405 667 491 
Vice President – Seniors Ian Smith ian.smith at interactiontraining.net
Vice President – Juniors Nick Femia nickfemia at gmail.com
Secretary Tony Cavalieri cava67 at bigpond.net.au
    Phone: 0414 998 293
Assistant Secretary – Seniors Kelly Pierce kellypierce05 at gmail.com
Assistant Secretary – Juniors/ Youth Set Buijs louisette_buijs at aapt.net.au
Canteen Manager Deb Frack deborahlfrack at mail.com
MPIO & Covid Safety Officer Deb Frack deborahlfrack at mail.com
Treasurer Vince Santarosa vince at tncservices.com.au
Registrar – Juniors & Youth Set Buijs louisette_buijs at aapt.net.au
Registrar – Seniors Kelly Pierce kellypierce05 at gmail.com
Results Officer & Competition Secretary Tony Cavalieri cava67 at bigpond.net.au
Coaching Director Patricia Faria patty_murace at hotmail.com
Gear and Grahams Reserve Steward John Mesite brookvale.fc at optusnet.com.au
    Phone: 0400 397 794
Age Coordinator: U6 Mixed John Mesite brookvale.fc at optusnet.com.au
  Gabrielle Sheridan gsherro11 at gmail.com
Age Coordinator: U7 Mixed Lance Lautier lance.lautier at mospe.com
Age Coordinator: U8 Mixed Tamara Vise  
Age Coordinator: U9 Mixed Patricia Faria patty_murace at hotmail.com
Age Coordinator: U10 Mixed Set Buijs louisette_buijs at aapt.net.au
Age Coordinator: U11 Mixed Megan Jones megsrobb at gmail.com
Age Coordinator: U12 Mixed Millie Shilland millie7 at hotmail.com
Age Coordinator: U13 Mixed Paul Simkiss pjsimkiss at gmail.com
Age Coordinator: U14 Mixed Sam Condomitti salvatore.a at hotmail.com
Age Coordinator: U15 – U18 Mixed Set Buijs louisette_buijs at aapt.net.au
Age Coordinator: W7-W10 Girls Michelle Condomitti michellecondomitti at yahoo.com.au
Age Coordinator: W11 Girls TBC  
Age Coordinator: W12-W18 Girls Eric Wilkinson ekker71 at yahoo.ca
Age Coordinator: Men’s Seniors Kelly Pierce kellypierce05 at gmail.com
Age Coordinator: Women’s Seniors Gabrielle Sheridan gsherro11 at gmail.com
Men’s PL Manager Henry Willis henry.willis084 at gmail.com      0408 801 079
Men’s PL Manager Tony Cavalieri cava67 at bigpond.net.au
Women’s PL Head Coach Michael Cimino michael at aseries.com.au
WEBMASTER Joe Mesite info at nbfa.com.au

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