Please refer to the Brookvale Code of Conduct here and the FFA Code of Conduct here. This applies to the conduct and behaviour of ALL members, coaches, managers players, as well as spectators.

At Brookvale, we require appropriate and consistent conduct from our players, coaches, managers, and spectators:

  1. Respect for players, officials, and other coaches: Coaches, Managers, and Spectators must maintain a positive attitude towards all players, referees, and opposition team officials and their spectators, regardless of what may have transpired. Any form of verbal or physical abuse cannot be tolerated.
  2. Sportsmanship: Coaches, Managers, and Spectators must promote sportsmanship and fair play, and they must model these values to the players. This includes avoiding unsportsmanlike behaviour, such as arguing with officials or criticising opponents. At the end of each game, win, lose, or draw, Brookvale requires our coaches to shake hands (or similar as is appropriate) with referees, linespersons, and opposition team officials.
  3. Communication: Coaches, Managers, and Spectators must always communicate effectively and respectfully with players, referees, and opposition team officials and their spectators.
  4. Safety: Coaches, Managers, and Spectators must prioritise player safety and not engage in any behaviour that could put players at risk.
  5. Inclusivity: Brookvale FC is committed to creating an inclusive and respectful environment for all players. Coaches, Managers, and spectators must treat all players equally, regardless of their ability, race, gender, sexual orientation, or religious beliefs.
  6. Ethics: Coaches, Managers, and Spectators must adhere to ethical standards, including but not limited to behaviour on the field, interactions with players and parents, and dealings with club officials and other coaches.
  7. Professionalism: Coaches, Managers, and Spectators must conduct themselves professionally and not engage in any behaviour that could bring Brookvale FC into disrepute. This includes, but is not limited to, substance abuse, disorderly conduct, and unethical behaviour.
  8. Confidentiality: Coaches, Managers, and Spectators must respect the confidentiality of all players, officials, and other coaches and must not disclose any information that could be harmful or embarrassing to any party.

By ensuring a positive and safe environment for everyone at our games, training, and social events, Brookvale FC will be the Northern Beaches football club of choice for players and their families. We will be the club where everyone is welcomed and cared for, from juniors to seniors and from lower-division social players through to our most talented first graders. By adhering to these guidelines, coaches at Brookvale FC can help create a positive and inclusive environment for all players and can contribute to the ongoing success of our club.

FFA Spectator Code of Behaviour