The Draw for 2024 is here

For rules, please refer to our Rules page

For Wet Weather procedures, visit this link

You can find the MWFA field locations here

Results (pls see this page for detailed instructions on how to use Dribl)

ALL results (win, lose, draw) for ALL games from U/W8 – U/W11 must be uploaded in Dribl by the Coach or Manager of both teams straight after the game but no later than 6pm of game day

For U12/ W12 and up: 1) submit your team sheet, 2) approve your opponent’s team sheets and, 3) enter results straight after the game but no later than 6pm of game day. The results feed straight into the Dribl Match System and tables. If match sheets are incomplete by the due time penalties will apply.

Forfeit Procedures

U6-U11s: these are non-competitive age groups so no need to forfeit because of a lack of numbers. Turn the game into practice or a friendly with the opposition. If you have so few players that it isn’t worth playing, then you must follow the forfeit procedure below
U12s Up:  Minimum number of players is 7. if you intend to forfeit please do so at the very last minute. Once you have forfeited and your game is washed out, your forfeit will stand and the game will not be rescheduled to be played at a later date.
For teams using Dribl —> go to your Match Sheet, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on Forfeit Requests, then click on the + sign in the top right had corner. In the Notes section write down reason (eg not enough players due to illness/ injuries) and click Save. Dribl will notify the MWFA for approval. Once approved, the opposition will receive a notification from Dribl to say the game was forfeited and Dribl is updated with a 0-5 loss
For all other teams: If you forfeit please email (during business hours) or text (after business hours) your Age Coordinator the following details:
Club: Brookvale FC
Age/ Div:
Match Date:
Match Time:
Match Location:

Ground Setup and Takedown

Clubs are responsible for the provision of the nets, flags and other setup materials (tape etc) at the ground and the teams playing the first or last game on a field are responsible for setup / take-down respectively. Please refer to the current handbook for procedures. If a team fails to perform this function, penalties will be imposed including the loss of match points.


MWFA Playing Rules 2024
MWFA-U6 & U7 local rules
MWFA-U8 & U9 local rules
MWFA -U10 & U11 local rules
MWFA -U12 to U16 local rules