Wet Weather Info

Note: Rain does not necessarily mean games are off. It is the state of the field that determines whether matches proceed.

The golden rule is to wait to hear from the Club or the MWFA and assume games are ON until you hear otherwise

FOR GAMES on Match Day:

  • The Northern Beaches Council assesses the fields at 3pm on a Friday, and early Saturday and Sunday mornings (7am). They will inform the MWFA which fields are closed in the event of wet weather
  • The MWFA will try to maximise the number of matches that can be played across so will move games to playable fields if possible and will then update Dribl
  • If there are any changes to your game (either cancellation or a change in time or location), then all members of the team will receive an email from Dribl. You do not need to check the council’s website for weekend games so please don’t rely on this. If Dribl still displays your game, it means your game is being played.

We will update our Facebook Noticeboard page as soon as possible, and will also distribute notifications via SMS to Age Coordinators –> Team Managers –> players and parents.


To check the status of the fields, please check the Northern Beaches Coucil wet weather website page after 3 pm, when Northern Beaches Council update their daily report on weekdays.

Please DO NOT TRAIN ON GROUNDS THAT HAVE BEEN CLOSED. Lights will not be turned on when fields are closed