All registered players are covered by compulsory personal insurance, provided as part of the registration. This insurance is vital, particularly for the senior players where serious injuries occur more frequently.

Who is covered?

All appropriately registered players, coaches, trainers, managers, administrators, voluntary workers, selectors, referees, ball boys, medical officers, physiotherapists and ambulance officers; and all directors, officers, employees, executive officers, office bearers and committees of the insured. NB Spectators are not “insured persons” and can not claim under the Sports Personal Injury policy. The Club and officials are however protected under the General Policy in the event that they are legally liable for personal injury sustained to a spectator or third party. NB Players who de-register following their injury are no longer covered. They must remain registered players to be covered by insurance.

What is covered?

Basic cover for participants who suffer injuries arising out of participation in football. See below.

When are you covered?

Participating in official football matches as well as: organised training, travelling between home / work and training or games, staying away from home for a tour, and administrative and social activities for your club.

For more information visit this page for the Insurance Program Overview


Click here to lodge a claim online. You will need to:

  1. Complete the online claim form
  2. Lodge documentation relating to your injury
  3. Lodge claimable expenses and supporting documentation

For senior players, it is highly recommended that additional personal insurance is acquired on top of the compulsory insurance stated above.

For more info on what is covered visit the Football NSW Insurance page or download this Gow-Gates_Football NSW Insurance flyer 2023