The canteen is the Brookvale hub on game days and in order to keep it going, we need your support! We ask each team to donate some time to help us run the canteen (no coffee making duties involved) so the Canteen Manager will organise a roster for teams to help out in the canteen on Saturdays. The roster will be issued at least 3 weeks in advance to assist teams to get organised. If you have any suggestions regarding the roster, please contact the Canteen Manager or your Age Coordinator. 

  • Teams that play in the morning will be rostered in the afternoon
  • Teams that play in the afternoon will be rostered in the morning
  • Each shift requires 2 people
Morning Shifts Afternoon Shifts
7.15am – 9.45am 12:00pm – 2:15pm
9.45am -12.00pm 2:14 – 4:30pm (close)

Please note Women’s Sunday teams will now also be included in the roster as we are trialling the Canteen opening on Sundays in 2024 by popular demand.



(if in doubt, call John Mesite – 0400 397 794)

U21s & W18/1 Return Defib to training shed  – lock shed
U6 & U7 First team meet at 8am at Canteen and take out field banners, goals & corner cones from Storage Room to set up J7 mini fields

Last team to bring in field banners, mini goals and cones and return to Storage Room (next to Canteen – if locked pls ask Canteen for key). Pls place gear under the clock in the Storage Room

U8 & U9 First team meet at 8am at Cricket net area (next to basketball court) and take out small portable goals, large corner cones and J8/J9 Field Banners to set up J8/J9 mini fields

Last team bring in mini goals and cones and return to cricket net area – lock gate (do not dismantle goals, leave as they are)

U10 First team meet at 8am at Cricket net area (next to basketball court) and take out U10 size goals and large corner cones to set up Grahams 1 or 2 (J10 fields are from penalty box to penalty box)

Last team bring in goals and cones and return to cricket net area – lock gate (do not dismantle goals, leave as they are)

U11s & U12 At Manly West: Nets, corner flags and field banners (J12A and J12B) will be in the new storage shed (northern end, Quirk Road side)

First teams on Saturday set up fields A and B with corner flags, nets and banners

Last teams on Sunday dismantle and bring in nets, corner flags and banners and store in shed

U13 & up* First teams (home & away) on Saturdays set up half a field (opposition does the other half) with nets & corner flags – place containers near one of the goals

Last teams on Saturdays to return Defib to training shed – if you are the away team pls check with the home team re returning field gear to storage. Nets and corner flags stay up on Grahams but might need to be moved at other fields

Last teams (home & away) on Sundays to dismantle half a field (net and flags and benches and defib) and return to storage room

*NB: For U12s up: failure to comply will result in a formal warning and loss of match point!

If a Club fails to provide the necessary equipment for setting up a ground in the required timeframe there is a fine of $50 for each offence.

For more information, please refer to the Coaches and Managers booklet